Tuesday, March 29, 2016


Geological exploration methods 
The methods and procedures followed in geologic surveying depend upon whether the survey is reconnaissance or detailed (geological, topography and structure mapping).
Reconnaissance surveying: is for the purpose of determining the oil prospects of a relatively large area in a limited space and time. A preliminary survey, usually executed rapidly and at relatively low cost, prior to mapping in detail and with greater accuracy.

Detailed geological survey: Based on these available maps, the geologist must make his own map contains all the geologic and economic data that were obtained. In the search for stratigraphic traps, the geologist must identify the environment of deposition, possible reservoir rocks, but of possible source and seal rocks as well. He also determines the source of clastic sediment and the direction of transport.  The field party should also collect stratigraphic data, as well as the geologic and structural maps..... Read More.

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